Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Check it!

Ok here's the dealio! I'm sitting here in my English class, I finished up my paper I told you I was going to write, and I'm going to turn it in today! In about....15 minutes! I hope I get a good grade on it! As soon as I find out I'll tell you. =) Which won't be any time soon unfortunately. It'll probably be sometime later on this week. I might see if I can post my paper on here, or that might be too long I don't know. It is four pages long you know! Ha! I'm kinda nervous though, I hope I get a good grade. Wish me luck!

We went to Great Falls yesterday, I had a dentist appointment. Yet another thing I haven't told Gracie, sorry babe! =) Anyways....ha ha! While I was down there I had to wait for dad to come back and get me, so I wondered into the pet store right across the parking lot. While I was in there I went and looked at their kittens. They had a new litter, they were all little orange striped ones! They were cute. She said they were going to charge 50 dollars for them when they got all their shots. I told her I probably wouldn't be able to afford one. That's when dad came and I left. Then when we were in the mall, I ran into her at JC penny's! She said if I came in today that she would give me one for a lot cheaper. I'm tempted, I might just go and see how much she would give me one for. If you don't know this already, I really like cats! I'm a cat person, I don't know why, I think I take after my papa Horton, he's a cat person. I really want one of those kittens I saw there! They were great. I know what Gracie is thinking, she doesn't like cat's, I think she thinks they're evil. =P But if I got one I wouldn't turn it into a psycho cat, I would be gentle with it, so it would be nice. I wouldn't want it tearing up my little sister! =P

Anyways, the teacher just got here so I gotta go. See ya!


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Where did everybody go!?

I have a question? Where did everyone go in blog world!? There's only a few people that post anymore! The main ones are Gracie, and Megan. And I don't think anybody goes around and reads anybody else's blogs anymore....except Gracie. =P I try, I don't always comment on all the blogs cause I'm always in a hurry, but I do read your blogs I promise! So that's my question to you guys....WHERE ARE YOU!? Especially Josh he just dissapeared, what's up JAG? I need you man! *sigh* Am I alone here in this crazy blog universe?

Alright that's enough rambling from me for now. VOTE FOR PEDRO! Ha! I haven't said that in a long time!

Anyways, I'm out like the 80's!


Friday, January 27, 2006


Man I am just so....blahish right now! If you know what I mean. *sigh* If you haven't guessed already...yes I miss Gracie! Ah! I can admit it, I'm not ashamed! But no seriously, I really do. I miss you Grace!

Well...I won't bore you guys with my heart ache. =P

I got my job back...yeah they called me they want me to come back and work part time while I go to school. I figured I better because I'm running short on money, and I need to save up for BTI, and the camps and the Assembly and everything. So yeah...I need money! So needless to say I'm going to be really busy from now on! I'll be going to school all day, then I'll come home and work the rest of the night! And on Saturday. =S Oh well that means money! And money is good, cause I can't do anything without it.

Anyways I have some company that just got here, so I better go and be a good host. =P Gotta run!


Monday, January 23, 2006


Hey! Remember how I told you that I was going to look into snowboarding?? Well I went on Saturday! Oh man I had a blast! I was totally shredding up the mountain guys...it was flippin sweet. The great thing about snowboarding, is that you get so much better with everytime you go! So I'm starting to get really good! I only wrecked maybe two or three times. And I was taking black diomands and everything. I even took some wicked sweet jumps! Oh man I can't tell you how much fun I had...hopefully I can go again soon. =) It was pretty cheap here too, it was only 15 dollars for an all day lift ticket for students. The expensive part was renting the snowboard, which was like $27 or something. That was a rip off...I used to rent in Whitefish for $15. But it was fun none the less! Um...anyways, I better go, my next class starts in less than 15 minutes! Gotta run!


Friday, January 20, 2006


Hey guess what!? I'm gonna go ice skating tonight! I'm excited, I haven't gone in a long time. =) Well I guess, it's been since...um...last year. In Kalispell, it's probably been longer than that for some of you. Hey Gracie, you wanna come with!? It would be fun. =) I think I'm going to check into renting a snowboard this weekend to. It's been way too long since I've gone snowboarding! I love it. We've gotten some fresh snow lately, so it's real nice.

Hmm...well that's about all I have for you today. Sorry it's not very long, I just don't have much to write about today. Boy remember when I first started this blogging thing, I used to be able to write really long posts, like everyday! But now...I can't write very long ones, let alone everyday! Oh well. When anything exciting happens I'll let you know!

See ya!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm an addict!

*sigh* It's true...have you heard the rumors? I'm now a watcher of American Idol...isn't that sad!? Me...watching American Idol!? Ha ha, no it's not that bad of a show once you give it a chance, it's pretty interesting. =P I watched the show last night, and there were some pretty...um...ha, interesting people on there. One guy I just wanted to punch in the face! Just for being so dumb. His "name" was Flawless...yeah, he was a white guy, wearing shorts, shirt, and hat that were all made out of the same material. It was...retarted, to borrow Gracie's word. Ha! It's her fault that I'm watching the show now! That's what comes with having a girlfriend...you start doing things you never thought you would before. =P

Anyways, enough about that...I'm sitting here at school. Lot's of fun eh? Yeah I just got done with English class. I'm supposed to write a paper on a remembered event, I'm actully looking forward to writeing it! I'm going to write it on something that happened to me a while back, a time that I thought I was going to get the crud beat out of me! Ha! When I'm finished I'll see if I can post it on here, if you guys are interested in reading it. =)

I should probably be doing my homework right now, instead I'm goofing off on the computer. =P I'll probably go here soon, after I'm done posting. Maybe. =P

Whoa! Ok...I've run out of things to talk about guys! Man I'm so boring! Just ask Gracie she'll tell you. She's always telling me "Paul, you are so boring! Why don't you do something exciting." Yeah it's pretty sad. You should have seen me at their house, "what do you want to do paul?" "I dunno..." Sitting on the couch like a lump on a log. Yeah everyone that knows me, knows how much of an old fuddy duddy I am. He he.

Strangers in the night!! Oh yes, I'm listening to Franky right now...Dooby dooby doo! ;) Ok, I'm gonna go now! I'm just rambling. See ya guys!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Have I told you that I'm in love?? Yes yes...I know it's hard to believe huh? Well it's true, she's been there with me through thick and thin, always bringing me new inspiration. Always there to bring me comfort when I'm feeling down. She survived a wreck a while back, and I'm so thankfull, because I would be lost without her! Everytime I'm feeling a little blue, I just...pull her out of the case, and I start playing away! Uh...yeah I'm talking about my guitar...what did you think? I love that guitar. =)


Thursday, January 12, 2006

knocking at the door

So here I am in between classes...just jamming to some All American Rejects at the moment. =) I don't really have anything else to do so I figured I might as well post something! I don't want you guys to get bored with me. =P I think a lot of you already have, cause I don't have nearly as many readers as I used to. But that's ok! I don't expect you guys to read my blog everyday, I mean I don't even post everyday! Anyways...

I had to go to the store and buy some welding stuff today. One of my classes is intro to welding and cutting. I think it's going to be really interesting. I mean hey...I get to hold a torch putting out emmense amount's of heat...enough to cut through metal! How much better could it get! Fire and metal, it's a beautiful thing. =) But I also have a writing class, I'm not looking forward to that one as much. I did the first day of that today. I already had to write some stuff, just like right there on the spot at our computers we had write! The first thing we had to write was a paragraph about a time when writing was important to us. And the next thing we had to do was meat someone in the class, find out a bunch of things about them, and then write a pretend letter to one of our family members telling them about the person we just met! I think I did ok..=P But that one we actually had to print out and leave it there with the teacher, so I don't know what's going to happen with that.

I keep running into people I know at school, that's kinda cool, that way I don't feel like I'm all alone and don't know anyone! So I'm glad I know some people!

Oh! Another thing that I have to do that's kind of funny is, in my music theory class we're learning a little bit about condutors. And we have to practice waving our hands in the air! Ha ha! You know there's more to that than you might think! You have to do the different patterns for all the different beats and everything, it's kind of comical, you should see me over here waving my hands around. It's great. =)

Alright...well I'm gonna get out of here. I think I'm going to run up to the lumber store and check out this part time job they have. And I have look at saw horses! Cause I have to build one in class. =P See ya guys!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

High five!

Hey did I tell you what Gracie gave me for Christmas?? She gave me the biggest kiss I've ever had in my life! WOO! Oh yeah, it's pretty much the best present of all time. ;)

So today I went to student orientation, yep....I'm all ready for school, and classes start tomorrow! I bought all my books and everything today, so I'm all good. =) I'm kind of excited. I don't if I'm as excited as Gracie was to start school again...but...I'm probably as excited as any body else would get about school. =P I think my first class is my elective, which is music theory. That's the one I'm looking forward to the most. I love music! So I'm excited to actually be able to read music. Then after this, next semester I'm going to take applied music, and I'm going to learn how to play piano hopefully! If not piano I'll do some guitar if they have it, I already know how to play, but you can never stop improving.

Mom's finally taking down the Christmas tree in our house. =P It's been dead since before Christmas I think! Ha ha! But yeah....fun stuff.

Ooh! I saw a cool pin in the book store at the college that I think I'm going to buy tomorrow when I have more time. It was a pin with a picture of Frank Sinatra on it...and it said "it's Sinatra's world...we just live in it" ha ha! Isn't that great?! If you don't know me very well, I'm a bug Sinatra fan! So I definitely have to buy that one. =) Speaking of Sinatra...I bought this sweet brown corduroy fedora on Sunday! I's totally flippin sweet! I'll see if I can't get a picture on here sometime. =)

Anyways, I'm about starved to death! I'm out like the 80's!

LEX ;)

Oh by the way...if you haven't guessed already, the kiss she gave me...was chocolate. ;) It was the worlds biggest chocolate kiss! I mean huge! I loved it. =) Thanks again Gracie.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Here's Thomas at the park! I miss him.

Here's Gracie and me at the park! We were getting some shade at the moment. =)

Here's Gracie and me at home, in the Coca Cola kitchen!
This is Megan at the park, I don't know what happened, but the picture got a weird color when I scanned it.

I LOVE this picture! Isn't she just beautiful? Man I miss her!
Here's us at home again, And Flip half way in the picture. =P
Here's Jake and flip! I'm not any influence on them at all am I? ;)

I have some more pictures too, I'll see if I can put some more on later. I had one of Sara, but I didn't think she would like for me to put it on here. =P It didn't turn out so good. But yeah there you go, enjoy!


Home again

Hey everybody,

I'm home again! Unfortunately. =P No, it is nice to be home after traveling, but I would rather that I never traveled from Az. in the first place! ha ha! I've only been gone one day but it seems like it's been forever since I've seen Gracie already. I miss her. Now I just have to pray that we both make it to BTI, that way we can see each other in four months...*ugh* four months though, that's a long time! It would have been eight, but we cut that in half when I went last week, so it's all good!

Boy we had a lot of fun while I was there! We didn't do a whole lot of anything special, but we played games and watched movies. Played outside. We just goofed off and had fun. =) We walked to the park on the last full day that I was there, and we played hot lava monster with all the kids. =D It was fun. I watched the video that I took while I was there with my parents last night. Oh speaking of which...I have some pictures that I got developed that I'm going to put on here soon!

Alright well I'm going to go and get those pictures and start scanning! Then I'll post em. =)
