Friday, October 13, 2006

Dah dah daaaaah!!

Alright's the moment you've all been waiting for! Paul Alexander is going to BLOG! WOO! *the croud goes wild!*'re too kind....stop're making me blush....go on....yes thankyou...thankyou so like me! You really like me!

Ok...So I'm a little early for class and I decided to take this time to do a little blogging! =) Ok what's new......?? Well I went to the skatepark again since the last time I wrote. Yeah...we took the trucks off the board that I broke and put it on one of my buddie's extra boards. Then we grabbed the camera and took off for the skatepark! So yeah, we filmed ourselves makeing fools of ourselves...isn't that great!? I don't know anyone who wouldn't want to see that!? =D But no it was fun, we tried the same tricks over and over trying to get one to go right in front of the camera. It seems to get harder to skate when you're in front of a camera! I don't know why, maybe it's because the camer adds ten pounds! Ha! and yes I hurt myself a few times...but I'll talk more about that later, people are coming into class now around me so I'm going to go. =P Untill next time!


Friday, October 06, 2006

You happy now!?

Ok...there, now I've updated my picture. Are you guys happy!? You should be. ;) So what do you think?

I would post more but I'm about to head out to the homecoming football game for the highschool. It's going to be fun! So you guys will just have to wait a little more. ;)


well hello!

Ok here's the deal people....the reason I haven't been on here in a while, and haven't changed my picture or posted for that matter in so long, it's because my computer died on me at home! SO the only time I can get online is at school, and I don't always have time to get on that's what's going on. So try to have some patience with me, and I'll try and post when I can k?

ok....gotta go! I'm in class right now. =P See ya!
