Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Nothing else to do

Ok...well I went and checked my e-mail, and no one has written me yet, so I figured I better post on here, it's long over due. I need to talk about my trip!

Ok first off, I was so excited to see Gracie! Oh my word, I missed her SO bad...and now I do again. It's insane to think that I've been there and gone for a week already. It's like it was just a dream and I woke up. But yeah anyways, I had SO much fun over there! We went to this place called Makutu's (?) It was so fun! It was this big place with a huge playground that looked like a jungle. So like the whole playground was suspended in this huge tree. It was so cool! It was so big that they let adults run around in there with their kids...good thing cause I wouldn't be able to resist running around in there. =P But of coarse we all got our share of burns from going down the slides! Well except Gracie...somehow she slipped by with no burns. But Jacob and I both got them right on our ankles, and they've been bleeding and stuff. And sis. Shuler too! Ha! She was climbing around in there with us...it was great. She got her share of burns too. =S

Oh! And I got to see one of their gigs....I really enjoyed it! I absolutely LOVE to hear Gracie sing! Ha ha, they did have a few mishaps during the show...but it wasn't too bad. Just a busted string and a few forgotten lyrics...but it was great otherwise! I loved it. =) Did I mention I love to hear Gracie sing?? ;)

Well I'm in the Hotel Lobby, and I think this guy wants to get on, he might work for the railroad so I better let him on. Talk to ya later!


Monday, May 29, 2006

Stolen from Meg and Gracie!

Whats your name spelt backwards? lauP (my whole name would be too much work =P )
What did you do last night? Nothing really...well we did go to hood river.
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Some song I'm sure
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Who hasn't!?
Last time you swam in a pool? This afternoon
What are you wearing? Mighty Mouse t-shirt, Dickies-cut-offs, Chuck Taylors
How many cars have you owned? Just one that I bought myself.
Type of music you dislike most? Probably country...sorry Gracie. =P
Are you registered to vote? Yep!
Do you have cable? Yep!
What kind of computer do you use? I dunno.
Ever made a prank phone call? Oh yeah! Lots. =)
You like anyone right now? Yeah! How did you guess!?
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Heck yeah! How bout both!?
Furthest place you ever traveled? Um...Alaska??
What's your favorite comic strip? I really like Garfield, and Calvin and Hobbs...and Get Fuzzy!
Do u know all the words to the national anthem? Um...no not off the top of my head.
Shower, morning or night? Morning
Best movie you've seen in the past month? Um...not sure.
Favorite pizza toppings? You can't go wrong with pepperoni and cheese....(I agree)
Chips or popcorn? It depends on the chips! And the popcorn...but most likely chips.
What cell phone provider do you have? The IN network baby! Verizon. ;)
Have you ever smoked peanut shells? ha ha, uh.....no...
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Oh yeah! Many!....no.
Orange Juice or apple? Orange all the way! I drink that stuff like water
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? My mom and Noelle
Favorite chocolate bar? Um....How about...100 Grand.
Who is your longest friend and how long? Um...I'd have to say Daniel...since he was born! So like almost 20 years. =P
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? SICK! I don't even care! But probably around 4-5 years ago.
Have you ever won a trophy? Yes...yes I have...in the beauty pagents. ;)
Favorite arcade game? Ninja Turtles man!
Ever ordered from an infomercial? Nope.
Sprite or 7-UP? I despise both! They remind me of being sick! (I agree...I feel the same way. )
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? I have, I had to wear red and Khaki...or however you spell that. I worked at Target. =P
Last thing you bought at Walgreens? An orange soda I think.
Ever thrown up in public? Um I think so.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? True love
Do you believe in love at first sight? Um...Not really no...but I think like Gracie said you can really like someone as soon as you see them!
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON? I enjoy watching both
Did you have long hair as a young kid? I did have long hair when I was a kid! How did you guess!? he hee
What message is on your voicemail machine? Call me and find out. ;)
Where would you like to go right now? How about Vermont in the Fall!! Huh...what do you think Grace? ;)
Whats the name of your pet? Sam..
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? I don't have a back pack at the moment, but I have an Element messanger bag...and it has a pair of my shoes in it. =P
What do you think about most? Ok Sis. Tammy I know it's what not who...but I have to go with Gracie, I do think about her the most!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

No time!!

Hey I don't have a whole lot of time at the moment to really write...but I just wanted to post and say that I'm back! *unfortunately* And that I had a GREAT time with my girl Gracie, and her family. =) It was a blast! I'll write more details later...

*sigh* I miss Gracie!! I just wanted to say that...everytime I have to say goodbye to her it's like ripping a peice of my heart out and leaving it there in Arizona...Gross huh? Ha...well that's how it feels. I'm having some serious withdrawls! I need you Gracie!! boy do I need you. I can't wait to see you again...in July! That won't be so bad, at least it's not four months like last time. I couldn't handle that again. All you people there in Az. better take advantage of your time with Gracie! Cause it's precious....and I envy you since you get to spend everyday with her. LUCKY! Anyways...I miss you Grace. You're always on my mind...


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This was just for my profile...but I thought I might as well leave it. =)


What up yo!? I'm here at my Grandma and Papa's house in Vancouver washinton right now. I figured I'd post real quick since you haven't heard from me in a while. And the reason for that is that I've been in Pasco! Where my dad is on his temporary job there, so we don't have any internet over there. So I had no way of doing e-mail or blogging. It was terrible! =P No it wasn't that bad. But anyways...here I am!

So yeah...I'm here for a week....then...I go on to Arizona!! WOOHOO! Yep I get to go see my girl. =) I'm so excited. Just one more week then I won't have to miss her anymore. But that also means that I have to leave her again, which I HATE doing. *sigh* But I just can't wait to see her, even if it is just for one week. One week of bliss! =) You know I just love being around Gracie. Even before we were together. She is just great. I'm a lucky guy! I really am. I don't know what I did to deserve a girl like her, but I am so thankful. All of you that have known her for her whole life know what I'm talking about...ha..or even those who haven't! If you have just met her once and known her for a day you know what I'm talking about! She's wonderful...amazing...beautiful...ha ha, I could go on forever! *sigh* I'm just lucky...that's all I'm trying to say. =)

Ha ha, well....um...I think that's all for now. =P You'll here from me later. Untill next time....Fare long and So well!
