Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I think I lost it at the end.................

So here I am back in Havre Mt. My papa came to visit us and he wanted to come and see Caleb and Mandie, so we came with him! Yeah, I like it here. It's not a bad little town. =) And I enjoy seeing Caleb and Mandie cause I don't get to see them much since they've moved.

Boy, this is going to be a short one guys, I haven't done like anything since the last time I wrote! Man. Well guys... sorry but I can't think of anything to write about write now! I don't even have anything to ramble about. GOSH! What the flip is my problem!

Anyways, I guess I'll quit trying to come up with anything cause it's just not coming! Um.. well, I can't wait to see all you guys at the Assembly! It's only like a week before I leave now! Man I am SO excited. =D It's going to be great.

Hey, we were having some pretty good lightning storms here! It was cool. It reminded me of the storms we had over there in Arizona, only not as loud. And not as much rain for sure! Man we had some sweet storms over there, it was monsoon season! I don't know if it still is... is it still Gracie? I don't know but I really enjoyed those storms over there. I want to go back to Arizona and visit again sometime soon, but I don't know when I'll ever get to go over there again. =(

Hmm... well I guess this has turned out longer than I thought! I'm sure it's extremely boring, but hey! It's the best that I can do right now ok!? Gimme a break! And I don't mean a Kit Kat! I don't want to be percieved the way I am, I just want to be percieved the way I am! Watch that last step, it's a lulu. I'm going crazy! No...you're going sane in a crazy world! Don't cry shopgirl.



Friday, August 19, 2005

On the edge....

Ok it's been like four days since I've written on this thing! Geese! Have you guys been wondering where I've been? Or have you just been thinking, " thank goodness I haven't heard from that weirdo!" Well hopefully it wasn't the latter. =)

Anyways... I guess you might be wondering about my title "on the edge" well heres how the story goes... Well you see Micah is here, he got here on Monday. And I went with him, Jacob and Rebekah on this little outing to the Hoover Dam. Yes it was really fun! I always have a good time with Micah around. =D But anyways, we got there and we didn't stop at the Dam right off, we went to a recreation area, where we did some hiking and had a picinic. And Jacob took lots of pictures...hmm, I should have him e-mail me some to put on here...what do you think? Anyways, so then we went back to the Dam, and Micah and I, of coarse we had to climb the rock cliffs that were by the road next to the Dam! That was fun...and freaky, considering there weren't many hand or foot holds, so it was a little hard getting down. Then we went over to look over the edge of the Dam, and me being well... crazy, I climbed up on the little cement wall that keeps you from falling over. And I sat down and hung my feet over the edge! Ha ha! What a weird feeling that was to look down at my feet dangling over that drop which is like hundreds of feet! Man it was cool, I think Micah was a little nervous, he's not too partial to hights. ;) So yeah thus the title "On the edge." It was a lot of fun I must say!

Let's see what else have I don't since I last wrote on here....?? Um last night I went to Jacob and Rebekah's for Josiah's first birthday! It was fun, not only was it his first birthday, but he got his first haircut. Yep... he looks like a little Marine baby now. Ha ha! Speaking of Marines, that's what Micah looked like when we went swimming in the river afterwards! Yeah, we went swimming, in the dark, in glacier water. It was SO cold! But yeah Micah came swimming towards me, and with just his shaved head sticking out of the water he looked like some kind of Marine or something, it was funny. =) Oh and he let me borrow a pair of his camo pants to swim in, they fit me perfect, ha they fit me better than they fit him! He has to roll them up. But now, I have got to get a pair of those! I loved 'em. I need to got to the Army Navy and find a pair for me! Oh! And I think I saw a bear crossing the river when we were swimming, it was dark so I couldn't tell for sure. But it was black, and well...I don't know, but I think it was a bear. Freaky huh?

So is anybody as excited as me to got to the Assembly!? Oh my word I was thinking today, and I thought about the Assembly and how I'm going in like less than two weeks! I got SO excited! I can't wait to see everybody again. We're going to have so much fun! Man. I can't wait.


I need a good book to read, anybody have any suggestions? I'm not sure what to read, I don't know if I really want a book to read, but... I need something to do!! And I'm sure if it's a good book I'll get into it and I won't be able to put it down. Anyways, if you have any suggestions let me know k?

Question... does anybody know the meaning of the saying "Same difference?" I don't get it.... do you know what I mean? Anyways... I'm rambling now.

Hmm... well... I guess I'll get out of here. I think I've run out of things to write. Well I'm outa here! Stay out of trouble, and if you can't do that....don't get caught!


Monday, August 15, 2005

God is good!

Guess what everybody!? I am going to the Assembly! I am so excited, and I know it's all the Lords doing. Cause there was no way that I could make it, but here I am...plane ticket in hand, headed to the Assembly! God made a way, when I thought there was no way. Isn't God just amazing! I am so thankfull for God's blessings. I don't know what I would do without him, I would be lost. I want to thank Grace for her prayers! Cause I know she was praying hard for me to go. And those prayers were heard! Thank you Jesus! I know I already said it but...I am SO stinking excited! I can't wait to see all that God is going to do at there, and all the blessings he's going to poor out! Ahh! And not to mention I'm going to get to see all my friends there. I so can't wait, it's going to be like BTI all over again! Well kinda. =P

So yeah, um aside from that ( I am still excited =P) what else have I been up to. Um... let's see. Well I just got back from havre Montana, I think I said something about that didn't I? Well if I didn't, I was there helping Caleb and Mandie move into their new house. It's about four hours or so from here. It's kind of a small town. But they do have a make shift skatepark there! Oh yeah I had to hit that up you know. =) It's all like metal and fiber glass, so yeah it was kinda scary cause it wasn't really that nice. =P But I did it. I'm starting to get pretty good at dropping in pools and stuff, of coarse the didn't have a pool there, just a quarter pipe. But I was dropping in on that, it was pretty cool. Then of coarse Caleb had to try it, ha ha, he can't even skate on flat ground without wrecking. So yeah he gets up there at the top, and decides he wants to try. I'm like " Caleb, don't do it, it's harder than it looks. seriously." He says " I'm not chicken" I'm thinking " I never said you were" But he gets up there, and I give him as many pointers as I can think of. But you know I'm no expert so I don't know everything. So he just does it, and....what happens you ask...?? What do you think!? He biffs it....hard! Hits his head on the ramp, gashes his elbow open....man...it looked like it hurt. I was like "dude...I told you not to." So I rode down it a few more times, then what's he do?? He wants to try it again! ha ha! What an idiot. And he does....and he wrecks...again. Then he's done. I was like" man, you're crazy."

So yeah that's pretty much all that's been happening around here lately. Wow I just realized, I've written quite a long post here! Megan you should be proud of me! Ha ha. Well anyways, I guess I'll get out of here. Stay cool people! God is good...... all the time.


Friday, August 12, 2005


Oh my word! I am SO stinkin cold right now! It's 58o here right now, and I feel like I'm just going to freeze to death. I guess it's from living in that super hot weather there in Arizona for two weeks. But I wouldn't think that it would effect me that quick. Well I don't know, all I know is that it's cold. =P

Well I don't really have anything to write about right now. I have'nt done anything exciting or crazy since I've been home. Oh... I might be going home with Caleb and Mandie this weekend. They're moving all of their stuff into their new house they bought over there in Havre. It's about four hours or so, from here. But yeah I'm not sure yet though. Ha, what am I saying I can't say no. I'll probably go. So I'll be gone over the weekend unpacking, how fun. =P

Anyways, I guess I'll get going now. I'll try to write more when something more exciting happens. See ya!


Thursday, August 11, 2005


Ok here's some pictures. From top to bottom.... The first one is Gracie and I chilling on the couch in the main building. The next on is just of Gracie, I know shocking. But I begged her to let me take one of just here while we were jump roping. Um.. the next one we were still just chilling on the couch, and Sara came and jumped on us, so I took a pic. Then the next one Tayde(don't know how to spell her name =P) took of us outside. Ha ha, the next one is of me and Jake and Flip, right before we snuck out to swim in the pool! Then there's The Three Amigos! Woo! Sorry I cut your face off a little Sara. =S And then the last one is of our class at camp. Good times.

See ya peeps!


Title...?? Who needs one.

Hey guys, I'm going to try and write more in this post. I know I didn't write a whole lot in the last one. I need to let you guys know what I've been up to while I was gone!

So... Most of the time we just kinda hung out at the Shulers house playing games and watching movies and stuff. Which I don't mind! I enjoyed that very much. But we also went to the mall, and I drug Gracie, Jacob and Flip into all the stores that I like. =) But it turns out that I got them liking those stores now too! Ha ha. I picked out an outfit for Grace too, she didn't buy it then, cause it was expensive, but....I think she might be going back there someday. =P And I bought her a hat! It is a sweet hat! She didn't know I was going to buy it, she was going to buy it herself, but I tricked her. =) He he.

Oh and we went to the skatepark! Oh man that flippin sweet! We were skating around having fun. And I've been practicing dropping into pools! I got to where I could do it on the mini, but Bro. Shuler came over and convinced me to do it on the big pool, which was like 6 foot! Oh my word it was scary, but fun. I almost got it too. But I hurt myself too many times, so I had to stop. =P Ha ha, Gracie was freaked out. I think she was afraid for my life, (she can't live without me you know) ;)

But yeah so that was mostly what I did at the Shulers. Then there was camp! Oh my word camp was good. The Lord moved SO strong there! It was SO cool to see the little kids in the alter crying and praying and getting filled with the Holy Ghost! It was powerful. Plus we had a lot of good times too! Jump roping, a lot. =P And of coarse the Three Amigos were back together! That was so cool, we had a good time. I'm going to put some pictures on here in a minute.

So yeah, I'm sure I'll think of more things to write later. But I'm done for now. I've been pretty spacey lately, just a zombie. I think most of it comes from missing Gracie. It's not fun to come home after you've been on vacation. Everything seems so...dull. But I'll be fine! I just need to keep myself busy somehow.

Alright well I think I've written enough now. =) I'm out like the 80's.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Hey guys. Here I am....back home. I got back yesterday, and I am not happy about that. I really wasn't ready to leave yet! I don't think I would have ever been ready to leave. I miss Gracie, and the kids, and the scorchin Arizona heat...*sigh* Oh well back to boring regular old life. Hopefully I can go back there again sometime to visit! SOON!

Well I'll write more on here later, I don't feel like writing a lot right now. See you guys. Be cool stay out of school! School's are evil, and so are airports.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Hey guys what's going on!? I'm here in scorchin Az.! Having all kinds of fun. Yeah it's great, it's really hot but I don't mind I like the heat!

We got to go to the skatepark here the other day, I was so excited! It was so cool, I event went down into a pool! And landed it! Ha! I was stoaked. I love skateboarding. I need to do some more of it. =)

As you all should know, if you've read Gracie's blog I came a day early and surprised her! Ha ha! It was so great, you should have seen the look on her face when she opened the door. Oh man, it was awesome. But yeah I'm having a flippin sweet time over here! You guys should come over here and chill with us! Ha, wouldn't that be sweet!? It would be like BTI all over again.

Anyways I guess I better get out of here! I'll try to write some more sometime soon, after I get back from camp I guess. See ya!
