Monday, August 15, 2005

God is good!

Guess what everybody!? I am going to the Assembly! I am so excited, and I know it's all the Lords doing. Cause there was no way that I could make it, but here I am...plane ticket in hand, headed to the Assembly! God made a way, when I thought there was no way. Isn't God just amazing! I am so thankfull for God's blessings. I don't know what I would do without him, I would be lost. I want to thank Grace for her prayers! Cause I know she was praying hard for me to go. And those prayers were heard! Thank you Jesus! I know I already said it but...I am SO stinking excited! I can't wait to see all that God is going to do at there, and all the blessings he's going to poor out! Ahh! And not to mention I'm going to get to see all my friends there. I so can't wait, it's going to be like BTI all over again! Well kinda. =P

So yeah, um aside from that ( I am still excited =P) what else have I been up to. Um... let's see. Well I just got back from havre Montana, I think I said something about that didn't I? Well if I didn't, I was there helping Caleb and Mandie move into their new house. It's about four hours or so from here. It's kind of a small town. But they do have a make shift skatepark there! Oh yeah I had to hit that up you know. =) It's all like metal and fiber glass, so yeah it was kinda scary cause it wasn't really that nice. =P But I did it. I'm starting to get pretty good at dropping in pools and stuff, of coarse the didn't have a pool there, just a quarter pipe. But I was dropping in on that, it was pretty cool. Then of coarse Caleb had to try it, ha ha, he can't even skate on flat ground without wrecking. So yeah he gets up there at the top, and decides he wants to try. I'm like " Caleb, don't do it, it's harder than it looks. seriously." He says " I'm not chicken" I'm thinking " I never said you were" But he gets up there, and I give him as many pointers as I can think of. But you know I'm no expert so I don't know everything. So he just does it, and....what happens you ask...?? What do you think!? He biffs it....hard! Hits his head on the ramp, gashes his elbow looked like it hurt. I was like "dude...I told you not to." So I rode down it a few more times, then what's he do?? He wants to try it again! ha ha! What an idiot. And he does....and he wrecks...again. Then he's done. I was like" man, you're crazy."

So yeah that's pretty much all that's been happening around here lately. Wow I just realized, I've written quite a long post here! Megan you should be proud of me! Ha ha. Well anyways, I guess I'll get out of here. Stay cool people! God is good...... all the time.



Blogger Denise said...

I'm looking forward to meeting you at the General Assembly.
I'm so glad the Lord made a way for you to go... I don't know what we would have done with Grace there talking about you not going all the time. She may not be quiet. lol.
luv ya gracie ;)

Anywho I sure can't wait to see everyone there.

Hasta Luego.


3:55 PM  
Blogger Pauly said...

I know, isn't it great!? I can't wait to see you all there. And Oh yes the Three Amigos...ha ha haa! It's going to be sweet!

7:04 PM  

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