Sunday, August 20, 2006

What time is it!?

Ever have that feeling where time seems to stand still? But not in your favor? Yes...yes me too. As a matter of fact, it seems that I looked at the clock two hours ago and it was 6:00...and it is now only 6:25. WHAT!?!?

There is a fact of old saying that goes "time flies when having fun..." do you know how much I despise that simple truth!? *ugh* Can I make a motion? I make the motion that we switch that and say "time flies when you're bored and waiting" huh? Any takers on that one? I think I see your hands coming up already over the internet! Here's the thing...I am SO anxious for the Assembly to come, and see Gracie. I my Grandparents house, stuck...doing nothing but watch old tv show reruns while time and my sanity slowly ticks away. Don't get me wrong! I enjoy being with my family and visiting...ha...but you can only sit and watch tv for so long. You know what I mean? So it seems that at a stand still, when I want it to fastforward and STOP...right where I want it to. And I know when I get to the Assembly, it's going to go by so quickly....and then I'll be back wait another 3 to 4 months before I get to see Gracie again. Oh man....I wouldn't be surprised if I end up in a padded white room with a nice white jacket to match.

But hey! Other than my time and waiting delema's....I'm doing pretty good! I've felt the Lord moving in my life, and drawing me closer to Him. Ha ha, as long as He keeps helping me by giving me a little more patience when I need it...well I think the whole white room thing can be avoided. =P Anyways....I smell dinner...and I am starved! Later!


Sunday, August 13, 2006

here...but not

Well...I don't have a whole lot to tell you, but here goes!

Oh man...I was so wore out! Saturday, I went with my mom, Aunt Teresa, Grandma, and all the kids all over the town shopping. We went to Target, Famous Footwear, I think we went to a couple of other stores too, but I can't remember! =P Then after all of those we went to the mall. We were out for over 5 hours! Oh my word...I was tired. Oh I remember another place we went was Ross. That's one of my favorite stores! I love Ross. There were so many cool t-shirts, and hoodies and stuff in there...but I couldn't afford to by anything I didn't need. But sure wanted them. =P I think the whole day I just got a white shirt for the VLB march! And....I got some shoes. I know...I have a lot of shoes, but when I get home I plan on getting rid of like four pairs. So it's all good. =) But yeah, it was a long day!

Ha ha! I was on the phone with Gracie on Saturday night....and I was using my Grandma's home phone because she has free long distance. So here we are in the middle of talking, my Grandma get's on the other line! ha ha, and she starts dialing, while talking to my aunt Teresa, and I can't remember what they were saying...but I kept saying "Grandma....Grandma?" In the mean time Grace is just cracking up! Ha! And I was laughing, then finally she answers me..."Grandma?" "Yes?" "I'm on the phone" "Why do you have your mom's phone!?" "I don't" "well that's the number I dialed!" "ha ha, Grandma I'm on the home phone!" "oh, why didn't you use aunt Sweeties phone!?" "I don't know.." Then she hung up! Ha ha! It was comical.=P

Alright, well I've been racking my brain and I can't really think of anything else to say. So I'm out! Until next time!


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fried PB&J!

I'm in Port Angeles Washington right now...visiting my family here. It's been fun. Except that my cousing Terra and my Aunt Teresa have had to work all I have to sit at home for a majority of the day with just my younger cousins...and we..well just watch TV mostly. =P Not too exciting. But I enjoy seeing my family! And my mom is here now too, so I'm not completely alone all day.

Yesterday we went to hurricane ridge! That was fun. It's really pretty up there...the scenery is amazing, mountains, trees, rivers, plus you can see the ocean really well from up there. It was great. When we got up there we went into the snack place and ordered to large frys...and oh my word...they were HUGE! Ha! We weren't expecting it. =P But we got an extra cup, made us a TON of fry sauce and we managed to eat them all! It wasn't that hard really, I love frys! I could have eaten more. =P Oh, and along with our frys we tried a fried peanutbutter and jelly sandwich with ice cream! Ha ha! Sounds weird huh? Well that's why we tried it. =P It wasn't bad really. lol!

After we were done eating we went outside, and went walking on a trail. I started reading all the information signs like a tour guide, and was ad-libing through the whole thing like I was taking the kids and Terra on a tour. It was funny. =P I got them to laugh, and we had a good time, so it was all good. Good times.

Anyways, that's about all I've got for ya for right now. Later!
