Monday, March 27, 2006

DQ destruction

Ok...tonight Caleb, Mandie, and I went to Dairy Queen to get some ice cream. I didn't know what to get since they don't make the heath blizzard very good here. They don't use chocolate syrup in it like other places. So I decide on the rassberry cheesequake blizzard, I figured I can't go wrong, I like rassberrys...and I like cheescake! So I got it. Caleb get's his usual banana split blizzard, and Mandie gets some chocolate something or long as it's ALL chocolate she's good. After getting our order, we procede to walk back to Caleb's truck and head home...then suddenly...I hear this noise. A cracking, squeaking kinda noise. Then I hear a guy's voice say "Oh no way!" I turn just in time to see a silver car, what appeared to be a station wagon fliying over the curb on the other side of the street! The car jumps the curb, misses the light post by less than a foot, and takes out a chain link fence. But it didn't stop there, then it crosses a side street where it jumps another curb and hits a little hill which sends the car flying into the side of the brick building directly across from Dairy Queen! I coudln't believe my eyes! The only words that escaped my mouth were "Dear God" Caleb and I both put down our frozen treats, and ran toward the the mean time Mandie was calling onstar with their pichup. Which took her five minutes to get through, but the time she did get through there were already cops there. But I'm getting ahead of myself....So Caleb and I ran to the car, on the way over we could see in the looked as if there was no one in the drivers seat. The thought of someone ditching went through my mind. But that wasn't the case. We got to the driver's side door, Caleb opened the door, and we saw a young boy slumped over in the drivers seat. The air bag was deployed, and he was wearing no seatbelt. We weren't sure if he was even alive. We started to try and speak to answer...Caleb rubbed his back a little...not movement..."Oh God.." I thought , "He's dead" Caleb kept talking to him, then we saw some movemen, a feeling of releif went through my mind. Just then a couple of girls ran over...."DON'T TOUCH HIM!" "I was just rubbing his back" Caleb said, I could tell he was a little irritated. The girl checked went to check for a pulse..."he's breathing" Caleb said. We could tell by his movement.
Suddenly the boy wakes up....looks around franticaly..."What's going on!!!" He looked out the front windshield and realized he had wrecked. "Oh man! Did I wreck again!?" The boy was frantic. "did you pass out?" Caleb asked him, "Yes!" The boy is just freaking out, he jumps out of the car, and we're all telling him to be still but he doesn't listen. He jumps out, runs to the front of the car, and is still yelling "I'm screwed! I'm in so much trouble!" Then he got back in the car and shut the door...he started to put it in reverse I think, but Caleb opened the door and told him not to go anywhere. Just then the Police came flying up sirens blazing. And the ambulance shortly after. The cops came up, asked us just a couple very minor questions, got our names and addresses...and then sent us on our way. "Can I call my mom?" the boy asked as we were walking away. The EMT's started examening him.
We left after the cops told us we could go...which was a matter of seconds after they arrived. I don't think they were really asking us to go, they were kind of telling. We still don't know what was going on with the kid. We didn't smell any alcohol or smoke of any sort. And one thing that got us thinking was when he said "did I wreck again?
I guess we won't find out untill we read the papers tomorrow! All I know is that it was a crazy experience. It was weird how we just happened to be there right at the right moment. I don't know if the boy is going to be alright....he seemed ok when he jumped out of the car, but that was most likely adrenaline. I'm sure he's going to have some sort of injuries. He was so young...keep him in your prayers if you could.



Blogger Rebekah Doran said...

Man! I'm glad that you guys were there to keep him from driving off. yeah, keep us posted.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Bethany Lynn said...

Hrm...did you find anything else...

1:37 PM  
Blogger Aehric said...

Crazy man,
Wow, why am I never around for the fun stuff in Havre!? Just kidding, glad the kid's alright.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And who says there is nothing to do in Havre...oh, me. :)Okay so I'm sitting in the truck pushing the onstart button getting nothing, then finally it connects, the lady say "Thank you for contacting OnStar Mr. or Mrs. Alexander how my I assist you this fine evening." "I just witenss a bad accident can you connect me to the local police?" "Well I'd be happy to connect you with our Good Samaritan progam, please hold and the'll be with you shortly." "What a joke", I'm thinking as my husband and brother are staring at a lifeless body.*listening to grovy hold music* "Com'on people, someone could be dead!" I yelled at the rear veiw mirror. Finally, "Thank you for calling Mrs. Alexander, (I hear sirens coming in the distance) what may I help you with this evening?" "Well," I said, "I just witnessed a potentially fatal car accident, but don't you worry, with all the time I spent on hold, the cops are already here." Lesson learned, don't call OnStar for emergencies, just run down the street screaming, and the neighbor will call the cops for you. :)

11:54 AM  
Blogger Pauly said...

I still haven't heard anything else about him yet...I'm going to check through the papers though.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay Paul...and you said I was bad at posting! Ha- I've done way better than you for the past few weeks. Just because you are a full time student, work partime, do youth ministry, have a girlfriend to keep in touch with, and a porch swing robber to watch out for doesn't mean your allow to just dissapear and not post for forever.

1:07 PM  

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