Monday, December 05, 2005

For Gracie...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One Another

1. If you were to choose a new name for yourself, what would it be? Um...I really like my name. I don't know...

2. If you were given an extra $10 in change at Walmart, what would you do with it and why? I would give it back.

3. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your past relationships? "Other than Paul I haven't been in any relationship. I've prayed a lot about who my first boyfriend would be. I wanted to make sure it was God's will for me to date, not me. Just do a lot of praying and make sure you're totally in the Lord's will before you do anything." This is me now....DIDDO! Good answer Grace, I couldn't have said it better myself. =P

4. What’s one of your worst habits? Uh...I've been drinking way too much soda lately.

5. What was the best day of the past week for you - why? I don't know, they all kinda ran together...because I worked all last week and over the weekend! But I can tell you the best days were when I got to talk to Gracie on the phone. =)

6. What are you wearing today which is most reflective of who you are? Um...I guess it would be my watch, you guys have all seen my watch right? Yeah...I don't think I have to say anymore. =P

7. Choose a unique item from your wallet and explain why you carry it around. I have Sam Kaufmans business card...but that's not why it's unique. One night at church we had a service where we talked about heros, and the characteristics they have...I wrote down all those on the back of that card that night. Cause my sister looks up to me...and I want to be a good example for her.

8. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be and why? I don't know about you guys, but Gracie really got me interested in what she was thinking. ;) Um..ha ha, uh I don't know. =P I'd rather not answer this one.

9. Share one of your most embarrassing moments. Ha ha! I walked right into the womens bathroom in the college in Kalispell once. =P

10. If you were given a million dollars and 24 hours to spend it in, (no depositing it in the bank or investing it) what would you buy? Like Gracie said, I would definitely pay tithes first! Then I would buy a brand new 2005 mustang Gt metalic blue! Oh yeah.


Blogger Pauly said...

yes I did. =)

Ha ha, ok well I won't push you. =P

He he, yeah that song get's stuck in your head really easy!

4:35 PM  

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