Thursday, December 01, 2005

here it is!

Three Names You Go By
1. Pauly (everybody)
2. Paulywog (close friends and family)
3. Andrew (when I'm not listening) =P
4. adding a fourth....Bruce! (Melissa) =)

Three Parts of Your Heritage
1. Swedish (that's the only one I really know of)

Things That Scare You
1. Being seperate from God
2. bad things happening to those that I love, and I'm not there to protect them
3. honestly...the dark used to scare me. Not so much anymore. =P Unless I hear something in the dark and I can't see what it was! That's freaky!

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
1. The Internet (sad but true)
2. My Bible (of coarse!)
3. My guitar

Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Speed Racer t-shirt
2. sweatshirt and carrhartt jacket(it's cold here!)
3. jeans

Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists:(at the moment)
1. Relient K!
2. weezer (some not all)
3. Too many more to list!

Three of Your Favorite Songs (at the moment)
1. Bless the broken road- Rascal Flatts
2. I don't wanna be-Gavin Degraw
3. Gone-Toby! There are so many more! I'm a total music person. =P

Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. I'm a snuggler...first and foremost! So yeah, snuggling is right at the top. =)
2. Faithfulness! I don't like being jealous, that's torment.
3. Laughter, I like to laugh and have fun!

Three Physical Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You
1. Eyes, I am definitely attracted to eyes. =)
2. Hair
3. smile...there are some other things, but I'll just keep them to myself. =P He he.

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Playing guitar/singing
2. skateboarding
3. snowboarding

Three Things You Want to do Really Badly Right Now
1. Hope this doesn't sound like copying, but really...I want to be with Gracie!
2. I want to go snowboarding
3. I don't know why...but I want pumpkin pie!

Three Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. New Zealand...Definitely! I've always wanted to go there.
2. Vermont would be fun. =)
3. I would like to go to like Italy...somwhere like that.

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. I want to jump off a cliff....with a parachute of coarse! =P
2. I would love to start a band and record CDs, and do concerts! That's my dream.
3. Honestly, I would like to get married! Have a family.

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
1. Uh...I can burp really loud if I want to, which I do around the guys a lot. Ha ha!
2. I love outdoor sports...Football, baseball, snowboarding, hunting, fishing...ect.
3. I have selective hearing! He he he.


Blogger Pauly said...

Yeah it was fun!

4:36 PM  
Blogger Pauly said...

Hey sam if you still read my blog...I made it to where you can comment now. =)

5:28 PM  

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