Monday, July 11, 2005


Wow! I just got done mowing my lawn....whew...I have a huge lawn just to let you know! Ha ha! Yeah, so I'm a little worn out. =P I'm glad I'm done, that's really good exercise! Now I want to go swimming really bad!

Good grief.... did all of you read Gracies blog!? Her notes that she took? I tell you what they touched me. I am so thankful that she shared them! And I hope we can all take what she said to heart, cause I know I sure have. And I am SO excited to see what God is going to do through all of us! We really need to get into his word, study it, and take it heart! And spend time in prayer every single day! And when we do that he is going to use us all so mightily! I don't know about you guys but I feel so excited! Ha ha! I can't wait to see the works God is going to perform, and the souls that will be won. I pray everyday that he will use me, and that he will give me wisdom in his word. So yeah! Let's all take these things and really think about it, and take a look at your life, and measure it to the word and make sure that we are obeying his commandments! So that we can answer the great commission! So when the Lord says whom shall I send, who will go for me... you can say Hear am I Lord use me!! And we shouldn't be afraid of what peopld will think, or what they might say. I admit it is scary! But we don't have to be afraid!Read Matt. Ch. 5: 10-16.

Alright well I'm going to get out of here now, see ya guys! I'm praying for each and everyone of you! And keep me in your prayers!



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