Sunday, June 19, 2005

Skateboarding, emergancy rooms, SWEET!

Hey party ppl!! Ok it's like really late, but I had to get on here and tell you what's goin down! Ok so I'm here in Wa. skatboarding with my two cousins, Daniel and Landon. And Daniel decides to go down this huge hill in front of their house on the skateboard(hmm... sounds like somebody I know =P) anyways, so yeah he makes it down... barely! So he grabs his own skateboard, he used Landons first, and he says, " I don't even trust mine going down this hill, I have'nt tightened the trucks in like forever." So then all of a sudden he just takes off down the hill again, on his skatboard, the one he doesn't trust! And I'm thinking to myself " he's going to die!" So he's almost to the bottom of the hill, and he starts doing the death wobble ( for those of you who don't know what that is, it's when you get going so fast that you can't controll your board anymore, and it starts to swerve back and forth) Yeah so he gets down there starts doing the death wobble, then it just flies out from underneath him! And he took like three steps trying to catch himself, but he was just moving to fast. So his knee like locks up and that launches him into the air, like 4 feet, and he does like this half front flip and lands right on his tail bone, and bounces and like hits his head! So I go running down there to see if he's ok. Me and Landon. And Landon tells me to go get Papa's car so he doesn't have to walk up the hill so I go, but I can't find the keys anyware! So he ends up walking up the hill like in pain. So then when we get to the house he's in so much pain we had to call 911! So they come, and we take him to the emergancy room, where we sit there for like 3 hours waiting for them to even take a look at him! Then when they call him back he's back there for like an hour and a half. Man I was so tired! But yeah, I guess he's fine though, just in a lot of pain. They gave him some strong pain killer. So yeah, that's my story, I had to write it, and it's really late so...I'm going to bed! I'll write again some other time!



Blogger Pauly said...

I don't know... we just like skatboarding! Woo! But yeah, he's feeling a lot better.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Skateboarding rocks and so do hills!!!
Together they are like a never ending supply of sweetness!!!

It is me, Aaron, changed my name!

Glad your cousin feels better!

3:20 PM  

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